One of my favorite ways to relax is with a good book and some cold ice tea! (Peets Coffee also makes some delicious tea, if you haven't tried it)
Summer jewelry of the day is my Wildflower bracelet and a new sterling silver wrap ring (in the works).
If you enjoy reading as much as I do then you checkout this book by Wally Lamb. He wrote this back in 1992. That's when I first read it and could NOT put it down! If you are looking for a good Summer read this book won't disappoint. Learn more about this book here!!
Flowers have been boosting my happiness since childhood. If you're a flower lover too and you can shop this wildflower bracelet to get your own.
Want to know when the wrap ring will available?? Join my list and you'll be notified when its available. Scroll down to to bottom of page and sign up!