Easy outside self care with nature and an aromaptherapy bracelet stack

aromatherapy bracelets on wrist in the grass

Sensory percepetion is about “the senses” like hearing, vision, taste, smell, and touch.
Not only do we learn more about the environment around us but our insides as well.

For example if you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. Try relaxing outside at a park
or in your own yard. Let yourself get comfortable and notice the beauty in your surroundings.
Whether that's the sky, trees or the green grass. Listen to the singing birds, touch and smell some
flowers and see how you begin to feel.

I headed out the door and sat at the Park for a change of scenery. I brought a bottle of 
cold refreshing water and wore my aromatherapy bracelets to add to the self care.

I love choosing a different scent each time I wear them! They are perfect for
smelling, touch and feeling on your wrist. 

For more information about my aromathery jewelry  and see other designs click here.

Or shop these bracelets here.

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