Blog posts of '2020' 'December'

Whimsical artisan book mark gifts

copper colorful beaded book marks in vase

Artisan copper book marks. Hammered in whimsical shapes and cheerful beads are for those who have
a love of books, reading and fun design. A great combination of art and literature. 
Display with big coffee table books or your current novel. Or gift one with a book purchase!

I currently have 4 designs available here.

Soothing blue gray gemstone necklace

Soothing is about having a gentle calming effect. Sooting things offer comfort and can be refreshing.

Neutral grays and blues, like this necklace offer those those calming colors in a gentle way. This piece was 
custome designed for someone but if you need  self soothing necklace email and ai can make you one too!

To get your own blue gray gemstone necklace contact me here -

Or shop my necklaces to see if there is another piece calling you!

Iceland coin necklace for a unique holiday gift

Pearl & crystal Iceland coin necklace


That Iceland - Island Kronur coin is just so gorgeous in its detail. Beautiful art history,  a relic of
the past in the form of a pearl crystal artisan style coin necklace. A treasue to have, hold and wear forever.
Especially if a coin location has special meaning. Whether its where your family immigrated from or holds
a memory of an event or trip old coins are just the coolest in my book!

I'd love to make a custom piece for you and your special place! For a custom piece message me at


Or brouse my and find a cool ready-to-wear piece

Whimsical artisan book marks for book lovers

book with artisan book marks

Before kindles were born I made and sold quite of few of these book marks. The sales slowed and
eventually I quit making them all together. So sad! So when I recently received book mark request
I was thrilled. Actually I call mine Book Hooks. They are whimsical, free form  cute.

If you are intereseted in Book Hooks for your self or to gift email me right now!

And yes City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert is such a good read! ( I love books)

Matching family gifts with one size fits all leather bracelets

matching family leather bracelet gift on wicker display

Matching family gifts can be fun and wacky. But if you've already bought matching pajamas and want
something more personal consider matching family bracelets. A keepsake gift that you can
wear, use and feel the love year round. Designed for a family of nine these matching family leather wrap
bracelets are soft and easy to wear because - one size fits all. Tags that read 2020 feature sideways 0's 
to represent this sideways kind of year 2020 has been! 

I'd love to make more family bracelets with little personalized tags and beads. If you want some send me an email 
and we'll do it.