Blog posts tagged with 'chunky gold coin bracelet'

What do great coffee and great jewelry have in common?

holding coffee & wearing chunky coin bracelet

Both of them - a really great cup of coffee and artisan jewelry are NOT a result of chance! They are well
thought out and carefully carefully crafted until it was just right. 

Believe you me I have had some nasty tasting bitter coffee. The kind that just leaves you with
bad breath and no enjoyment. And the same goes for cheap jewelry that is mass produced. It may
be satisfying for a moment but don't count on it to last!

This bracelet is made with beautifully designed coins from all over the world and all through the
years. These little tokens of art and history have so much character. This pieces will leave you feeling
connected to your brothers and sisters from foreign lands.

Click here for details on my Around the World bracelet