Blog posts tagged with 'pinkberry necklace'

Pink jewelry for blue jean baby Queens!

Pink gemstone bracelet wrapped on denim

Pink is great year round. Pink is upbeat. Pink is feminine. Pink is pretty! So with a pile of pink stones this
became the Pinkberry necklace or wrap bracelet. I live in my blue jeans so most all of my jewelry needs
to be wearable with denim. When your feeling down pop on some pink for a does of cheerful.

Click here to learn more about my Pinkberry necklace

When your picnic blanket matches your pink bracelet

Pink gemstone necklace/bracelet on matching blanket

Color inpiration is all around us. Nature is one place to find it. But I also just discovered how
fabulous my Pinkberry bracelet looks with my picnic/beach blanket. I would most certainly wear these
colors with this bracelet. Maybe some white jeans, a pink top with a gold yellow sweater or jacket. Or some
form of that combination. Keep your eyes open for all the fun color inspiration. It's a good thing!

At the beach dripping with a pink coral bracelet

pink gemstone bracelet on arm at beach

Since coral grows on reefs in the water, I took my bracelet for a walk by her original home - the Pacific
Ocean. It was long overdue. Our air pollution has been extremely unsafe with so many California wildfires. the winds changed direction. The air was felt and clean. A welcome if even brief reprieve.
With sunglasses and water, my flowered mask, and my Pinkberry bracelet it was time for a walk. (I should
mention that I have pink watershoes so grabbing my pink bracelet was no accident).

The Pinkberry is both a wrap bracelet and a necklace. It's like two for one, right?!

Armed with a book & a bracelet for National read a book day!

wearing a ring 7 pink bracelet with a book

Today is National Read a Book Day! And I'm thrilled because its blazing hot outside on this Labor Day
weekend. The beaches look overly crowded and didn't look to safe to me.  So I was quite happy
to hunker down with one of my favorite authors. I slipped on a festive bracelet, poured a big glass
of my favorite ide tea and settled in to read City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert.

I love to read and don't always make time for it as much as I would like too. So today was a great
reminder to take some time to enjoy a good story and good writing. And this book is wonderful. I
can't put it down!

For more info about my pink gemstone bracelet click here

A pink coral scarf and bracelet for Summer!

A Summer scarf and bracelet in coral pink

Summer time is happy time! Coral pink colors always feel happy and very cheerful.
My favorite thing about my pink coral jewlery is that it can be worn as a necklace or
fun wrap bracelet.  If you love coral & pink, you will love this one!