
Enjoy the land down under with a New Zealand Coin necklace

Purple pearl NZ coin necklace with a starfish

Both New Zealnd and Australia are considered to be the land down under. That's because these
 two countries are located in the Southern Hemisphere, 'below' many other countries on the globe.
New Zealand is famous for its national rugby team, its indigenous Maori culture and its picturesque landscape.

The artwork on my 1980 New Zealnd coin necklace is a koruru - Maori carving of a mask. I t almost looks
like a butterfly to me. I love the intricate detailing. If you have been dreaming of Newland this necklace 
might be for you. 

Click here to learn more about my New Zealand Coin necklace here.

Cool Artisan silver necklace for your blue jeans

Artsy sterling silver asymmetrical necklace on denim

Blue jean style covers it all these days. You can wear ripped up jeans and tee shirts. Or jeans 
with all black and velvet jacket depending or just denim on denim.. My silver artsy asymmetrical 
loop stick necklace has a cool casual vibe and always adds the just the look and style for 
your denim attire. It can be layered to make it even more intersting or completly works as a
stand alone piece.


Learm more about my Play it Cool necklace here.

Shades of green and a bracelet

green jacket with old coin bracelet

The color green has been a favorite for several seasons and looks like it will be continuing in
to 2021. Even green paint is popular. I love all the shades of green. This coin bracelet has the prettiest green
peacock pearls. Warm, earthy and rich. These green pearls pair easily with both bright or darker greens.
Go green!


Feeling loved with a "beloved" necklace

sterling chain beloved charm necklace on wood

To be beloved means that you are dearly loved. Wearing a Beloved necklace will never let you forget.
This is a custom piece for someone wh is very much beloved. Even though this was a custom piece I am 
happy to recreate one for anyone that want to let someone know they are beloved. Especially if that 
someone lives far away.

Click here to learn more details about this Beloved necklace

A walk down memory lane with an old coin bracelet

old coin bracelet with pearls & mixed silver chain

Two dear lifelong friends that have shared ups and towns, celebrations and losses. Friendships are
so important. They are our trusted confidants. These two friends have even shard travel adventures
together. So a custom bracelet was made to remember their times in France and Great Britain.

Everytime she looks down at her wrist she can feel the friendship and love that keep them connected.
These old coins are just gorgeous and so meaningful. If you have memories that you want to keep and wear
then maybe you need a piece of coin jewlery to treasure.

I made custom pieces but also have ready to wear.
To see what I currently have available shop my Wanderlust Coin Collection here.

or I can make you a bracelet just like this but with the coin of your choosing. For that shoot me an email



Let love dangle from your ears with heart hoop earrings

silver & gold heart hoop earrings laying on denim

Nothing lets you literally drip in love  - like heart hoops when they spill from your ears, right?!
Hearts have remained popular through the ages. They are collected by many for home decor,
there are heart shaped cakes, heart designs are found on clothing, towels and of course in jewelry.

I love hearts too. You can make so many different whimsical heart shapes too.So....I knew
I had to make heart hoop earrings in both silver and gold to cover all the bases. These babes
slide through right through your earlobe.


For more info click on Gold Heart Hoop earrings

For more info click Silver Heart Hoop Earrings
















A cool necklace for your flannel shirts

cool sterling necklace on mannequin with flannel shirt

Play it cool with an artisan necklace that compliments your casual flannel shirts. Playing it cool is about
making an effort to be, or appear to be calm and not overly emotional. The benefits of aiming to remain
in a calm state serves us well. Better decisioons are made because you will be less impulsive. Evn though
we may start out doing the "playing" before you know it you'll be acting as if. Thats a good thing!




artisan silver asymmetrical necklace on wood

       This necklace is for making you feel unique, original, calm and cool AF! Its got the perfect amount of
       casual laid back style for flannel shirts in my book.


      For more detail click here to learn about my Play it Cool Necklace

Asymmetrical style with a wrap ring

wearing an asymmetrical metal wrap ring
My wrap ring is an example of asymmetrical style. Meaning it is not exactly the same on both sides
yet remains in balance. Not identical. When something is symmetric those parts face each other. 
A circle is symmetrical. I love the look and feel of both symmetry and asymmetrical designs. By using
an asymmetrical design on this ring keeps it more interesting and unexpected. Just the way I like it!

This ring is hammered in both copper or brass. For more details click here.

Feeling down to earth with a cowbell and leather necklace

silver circle leather necklace on a cowbell

Feeling down to earth is to be open and honest with ease. No aire of importance or being prentious.
That comfortable feeling you get when talking with someone who is grounded and practical. People like
that feel good to be around. It feels natural.
Just as this well worn cowbell is loved for being in this rustic state my leather Surround Yourself necklace
is just as casual and down to earth. It is a simle piece that represents the importance of who you surround
with, why and how you want to feel. 

For more info on my necklace shop

Silver Surround Yourself Necklace here

Copper Surround Yourself Necklace here. 

When your picnic blanket matches your pink bracelet

Pink gemstone necklace/bracelet on matching blanket

Color inpiration is all around us. Nature is one place to find it. But I also just discovered how
fabulous my Pinkberry bracelet looks with my picnic/beach blanket. I would most certainly wear these
colors with this bracelet. Maybe some white jeans, a pink top with a gold yellow sweater or jacket. Or some
form of that combination. Keep your eyes open for all the fun color inspiration. It's a good thing!