
Casual cool Graduation jewelry!

Enjoy the Journey leather necklace & earrings
A graduation necklace that reads 'Enjoy the Journey' says it
all. Because no matter what, we are all on our own unique journey. 
The journey of life with all of its ups and downs. This necklace offers
well wishes, and a positive outlook. This casual cool, wear it everday,
adjustable necklace is a personal reminder to sieze the day.

Browse the Enjoy the Journey necklace here for more details

Puppy love and earrings

wearing big silver disc earrings with puppy
I love doggies and all the unconditional love they give. I also
love to make and wear earrings. Not once have my earrings ever been 
problematic with our doggos. Sometimes there might be a sniff
of curiosity but never a pull or tug. Thats a someting good in my book!

Browse the Circle Dance earrings here for more details

Add some Art to your day with this gemstone, old coin, token necklace.

artisan pink gemstone old coin necklace worn with blue sweater
It's all in the details! Pop on a easy to wear, handcrafted necklace
to celebrate the arts. You can celebrate handmade original things
like artisan jewelry, belts, wood working, and sewing! Handmade or 
handcrfated means extra care was taken in the design and crafting
each piece. Handcrafted comes with love and soul from the artist.
Imagine being surrounded with all this good energy!

Browse here for more details and gemstone colors available for
the Touchstone Token necklace.

A necklace brimming with fun bright energy

red crystal necklaces with plants

Red, yellow and those blues make this necklace full of life.
Its small but mighty. Cute as can be with a tee shirt and 
blue jean jacket. Summer dress. Denim dress! You name it.
Let this bright necklace bring some peppy energy to your day.
Need a big boost of peppy energy? wear several of
these necklaces together! 

Browse the It's All Good Necklace for more details

The benefits of a long chain necklace

wearing colorful striped sweater long silver chain necklace
A simple long chain necklace can't be beat. My Chrissie
necklace is a big size bead ball chain necklace with a
cute ladder design. A necklace like this is great when you
aren't sure what kind of necklace works best. You can
wear with a busy printed top or sweater and it won't compete.
Or wear with solid colors for a cool modern look. Its a fun to
touch touch that chain while wearing too! This long size means
its practically a one size fits all!

Browse the Chrissie necklace here

A necklace that feels refreshing.

old coin gemstone necklace displayed on glass vase

       The color blue evokes calmness. This necklace features
       a delicious blue stone, banded in various shades of blue.
       Almost like ocean waves coming to shore. All those things,
       including this jar with water, feel ever so refreshing! 
       I think we have favorite colors because they make us feel
       things. Like cheery or calm or pretty. If this blue is your color
       and calling you, youo might want to answer!

       Browse my Touchstone Token necklaces for more details (and colors)

A simple stylish essential oil diffuser necklace for every day!

wearing black round stone necklace with brown sweater

A necklace that is stylish, simple and can carry a fragrant
essential oil while you are wwearing. How great is that? There
is an oil or a blend of oils for everything these days. 

Imagine wearing this necklace and enjoying the extra
benefit of of choosing an oil that allows you to have a heavenly scent.
Or one that offers headache relief if you're feeling it.
And good ole Lavender essential oils bring a feeling of calming
and stress relief. 

Changing gears from essential oils, this necklace is so
good just as it is. So if you know nothing about essential oils,
that A-OK! Enjoy the bold black textured stone, and clean lines that
really will compliment so many things in your wardrobe. Everyone 
should have at least one black necklace!

Browse the Whole Lotta Lava necklace here for details


Green on green with plants & a necklace


green gemstone stick necklace and green plants

Shades of green in a necklace or plants is always soothing
and relaxing. In spiritual terms, the color green implies
beginnings, new growth, vibrant health, and other ideas
connected with life, rebirth, and renewal.
 I get that. I can even feel that.

My gemstone stick necklace has two gorgeous shades of green.
The top stone is more of a yellow green. The botton gemstone strick
feels more like a teal blue-green color. These colors are refreeshing
and tranquil and strongly associated with nature, grass, the forest.

Click here for more details about the Verde Belleza necklace here

A bold neutral bold necklace for your flannel shirts and more

blue bead necklace with flannel shirts

Yes, this necklace really is bold and really is neutral!
Any of these items hanging on the rack could be worn with
this necklace. There are flannels, stripes, checks, quilted,
knitted and solids. The blue stone seems to blend right in
with everything here.  Th center stone brings on the bold and
the yellow gold shell beads offer warm neutral tones.
One necklace that goes with so many things is a good thing!


Browse the Bold Blue Button Necklace here for more details

If you love hearts, you'll love this bracelet


handcrafted silver heart chunky chain bracelet

I know so many people that are heart fanatics, including me!
My Amore bracelet has been popular since day 1. I've sold
so many of these as is and even customized with personal
meaning. Charms, birthstones, gemstones and stamped
tags have all been to this pretty bracelet. The bracelet you
see here is handcrafted in ALL sterling silver. It's an original,
chunky style, artisan bracelet. If you love hearts and sterling
silver this just might be for you.

Browse my Amore Heart Bracelet in sterling silver here for 
more details.